When Gratitude is a Stretch, Try This Instead

I’ve been practicing gratitude for a long time and strongly believe in acknowledging how lucky we are to have everything that we do. But, it has occured to me during this wild time of COVID-19 (a time that has brought huge loss of lives, businesses, freedom, special celebrations, and certainty), in some situations it just doesn’t feel right to encourage someone to express gratitude. Sometimes it even feels downright offensive, despite our hope of brightening their mood.

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I Didn’t Become an Investment Banker and Apparently Entrepreneurship Kills my Joy: Reflections at 30

I don’t know what I imagined my 30th birthday would be like. Likely surrounded by heaps of friends and family at some big bash, feeling beautiful in a new dress. Instead, last week, it was Chad, Wayne, and me. They sweetly gifted me flowers, green juice, and cookies (#balance) in bed. I did put on mascara, but wore the same black down vest I've worn every day for a month since arriving in this colder region of Mexico.

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Give Yourself a Break and Make Your Best Friend Your Meditation

As many of you know, the fundamental goal of meditation is to keep you focused on the present moment. This way you can be free from regret about the past or anxiety about the future, and you can just BE. Ideally, the people and noise and distractions around you slowly fade away so that you can maintain sole focus on your breath or mantra or whatever else you've decided to make your focal point for the exercise. Easy, right? 

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Ditch the Dating Apps and let the Universe Play Matchmaker

All this talk of flow was fairly hypothetical for me for a long time. I loved the idea, but had yet to have an experience that truly brought it to life for me. That recently changed, I'm excited to report, and the lesson of trusting in the divine timing of the universe instead of trying to force something was made extremely clear for me. Here's my (love!) story...

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What I Learned on the Road to Rebellion

To mark the Radiant Rebel’s first birthday, it feels fitting to backtrack a bit and explain where this name came from in the first place and how its meaning has evolved for me. Initially, it was born out of a time when I realized that I wasn’t showing up as my most radiant (i.e. happy and healthy) self, and it reflected the lifestyle changes and re-commitment to myself that was required for me to get back to that place. A lot has happened in my life since then. Now it represents rebellion against the false self, and opening to the reality of my authentic Self.

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Changing Lives with a Little Passion and Perseverance

Last year, a few months into my new role of Admissions Associate at my old boarding school, I realized that I was feeling totally disconnected from the study body. There I was, surrounded by hundreds of teenagers, yet my job in administration provided no direct interaction with any them. The students had no institutional reason to be in contact with me, yet I so desired to engage with them.

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The Pleasures of Paying it Forward

I couldn't wait to do my “Pay it Forward” assignment since the moment I learned about it in class in April. After much deliberation I ultimately decided to do my acts of kindness at the local grocery store one recent sunny afternoon. I purchased two bouquets of flowers intended for women and one scratch-and-win ticket for a man. I waited outside with anticipation, eyes glued to the door in order to do a quick assessment of the individuals walking through to determine if they felt right for my offering.

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The Sweetness of Signs from the Universe and Damn Good Ice Cream

Four weekends of my year-long medical intuitive training are used for in-class sessions in Vancouver. It is a time to reconnect with my intimate group of classmates and teachers for a sharing of successes and challenges, learning of new concepts and skills, business planning, and maybe most importantly, reaffirming our sense of solidarity as we embark on this unconventional path together. We talk about spirit guides, after lives, angels, signs from the universe, energetic congestion, past lives, chakras, healing through the power of the mind, manifestation...

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