I Didn’t Become an Investment Banker and Apparently Entrepreneurship Kills my Joy: Reflections at 30

I don’t know what I imagined my 30th birthday would be like. Likely surrounded by heaps of friends and family at some big bash, feeling beautiful in a new dress. Instead, last week, it was Chad, Wayne, and me. They sweetly gifted me flowers, green juice, and cookies (#balance) in bed. I did put on mascara, but wore the same black down vest I've worn every day for a month since arriving in this colder region of Mexico.

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Paradise: Not for the Faint of Heart

We are now nearly six weeks into our trip and time living in our first stop, Sayulita! We’ve grown very fond of this charming surf town, and could picture ourselves here for much longer than our allotted time. I’m inspired and livened by the vibrancy all around me –the tastes, the music, the colour. It’s pure food for the soul. I’m soaking up the warmth of the air and the Mexican people, as well as the easy-going feel of this town.

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Why I Quit my Job and Bought a One-Way Ticket to the Unknown

Something has been stirring within me for quite some time now, craving freedom, expansion, and adventure. It is undoubtedly the ancient part of me, my eternal soul, asking for a significant change in routine and environment in order to grow in the ways it set out to in this lifetime. It wants to fully experience the magic and abundance that is available to all of us if we just have the courage to step outside of what is familiar and fall (with faith) into the great abyss of the unknown.

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