Writing Prompts for Conquering Fear

As a follow up to my last post, I wanted to share a writing exercise that can be helpful if you’ve been experiencing fear and doubt related to moving forward in a new direction in any area of your life.

Ideally you’d do all three parts, but you can also just do whichever one feels most useful for you:

Part 1: Pull out a blank sheet of paper and create three columns titled “Define,” “Prevent,” and “Repair”

Define: Write down 10-20 of the worst things you can imagine happening if you take the step that you are considering.

Prevent: Answer the question: "What could I do to prevent or decrease the likelihood of each of the “Define” scenarios from happening?"

Repair: If the worst-case scenarios happen, what could you do to repair the damage even a little bit? Or who could you ask for help?

Part 2: Ask yourself, “What might be the various benefits of an attempt or partial success?” Jot down your answers.

Part 3: Ask yourself, "If I avoid this action or decision, what might my life look like in 6 months, 12 months, 3 years? Jot down your answers.

Humans are great at considering what might go wrong if we try something new, but what we don't often consider is the cost of not changing anything, not taking action. Get really detailed here, looking at the potential cost emotionally, physically, financially, and so on.


Whatever you’ve been dreaming of doing in this beautiful life of yours but have yet to take action on, I hope that this exercise clears out some of the fears you have about moving forward, and actually helps you see that you are better off by giving it a shot! YOU GOT THIS!

If you think that you could benefit from some personalized support in making things happen, I’d love to connect for a free 30-min call to talk about what that could look like. Send me a quick note here!