Why It’s Time to Stop Striving for Perfection So You Can Start Living Your Passion

As qualified and passionate as we may be about a new pursuit, the truth is that it’s often terrifying to re-introduce ourselves to the world with a new professional identity, a new business we’ve started, or to reveal a project on which we’ve been painstakingly working. Doing so can feel incredibly vulnerable. It also ultimately means we are putting ourselves at risk of being judged, and maybe the most dreaded risk of all, failing.

One common tactic for protecting ourselves (well, our egos) from such dangers is to delay actually telling anyone about this new venture. We stay hidden, where it’s nice and safe. This could look like spending months on end obsessing over design details for your new biz, such as the logo, website font, or photos, so that you’ll be ready to tell the world about what you’re up to now in THE most perfect way. 

Although striving for high quality and beauty in what we create is a well-intentioned pursuit, it can be taken too far. Some people become so paralyzed by details that feel SO important in the moment, but ultimately are fairly insignificant, that they never even get around to launching whatever it was they had been so passionate about in the first place. The perfectly good website never gets its moment to shine. 

This is actually entering into the territory of self-sabotage, which is behaviours or thought patterns that prevent us from reaching our goals. When we self-sabotage, whether consciously or unconsciously, we move farther away from the possibility of finding the deep fulfillment we’ve always desired. Yikes! 

Well, it’s time to admit it: I am just as guilty of this as anyone else, even despite my full awareness of it. It took me nearly two years of coaching on the down-low after completing my dual Health & Life Coach certificate before I officially shared with the world that I had completed this training and was ready for more clients. I’ve truthfully never had more fear or resistance to doing anything than I did surrounding this launch, even though the area of work is such an obvious fit with my academic background in psychology, passion for wellness, my love of connecting with people, and my lifelong desire to make a positive difference in the world. 

As part of my program we had the gift of having successful coach Preston Smiles as a guest lecturer, and a few points that he made have truly made an impact on me. I’m hoping they will inspire something within you as well.

  • He talked about “progress over perfection.” There truly may never come a time when we feel that every decision related to our venture is JUST right, marking the sign that we are NOW ready to show the world. Or as Voltaire said, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” We must get more comfortable taking action even if we feel there is more tweaking that could be done. Life is moving quickly and doesn't wait for anyone.

  • “Stop getting ready to get ready.” In other words, stop making excuses and just START the darn thing! He went on to say, “You are hoarding your gifts and talents and abilities when you’re procrastinating.” He was actually implying that it is selfish to hide parts of ourselves that could be making a powerful impact on the world.

  • “You’ve got medicine on your heart that only you can give.” We were all put on this earth with unique skills and a unique energy, so although there may be many other people out there doing similar work as you, you have a unique essence that is going to resonate deeply with certain people. YOU ARE NEEDED. The ideas and creative impulses we have are not random. They are precious nudges from your soul, from Source, trying to guide you in the direction of your true calling. LISTEN UP!

  • “Care but don’t carry.” Have the highest intentions for the work that you put out into the world, but low attachment to the outcome.

So even though I felt my website may not have been “perfect,” I may not have had my 30-second elevator speech totally dialed in, and my niche still required some fine-tuning, I finally got to a place where I was so fed up with my procrastination that I decided I wasn't going to let those things stop me from getting out there and beginning this meaningful work.

Those details will continue to evolve, but for now, my desire to serve others is greater than my need for my website font to be just so. I trust that the people who are meant to work with me are going to find me and want to work with me regardless of whether my website background is white or pink or my hair is up or down in my photos.

I came across this beautiful card below this week as I went through old belongings. How synchronistic is it?! May it be a helpful affirmation for you as well.


Where in your life are you letting the never-ending quest for perfection get in the way of you GOING FOR IT and pursuing something you’re truly passionate about?

My personal experience of prolonged procrastination and resistance truly reaffirmed to me the value of a coach because I absolutely know that if I had had one of my own soon after I had finished my training I would have launched my business many months earlier and saved myself so much anguish!

A coach is your cheerleader, accountability buddy, provider of tough love when it’s necessary, and support person who believes in you when you don’t (which can be often). Fear is real my friends, but it’s so much easier to conquer with someone else along for the ride reminding you how capable and wonderful you are!

So whatever you’ve been dreaming of doing in this beautiful life of yours but have yet to take action on, I hope that this has been helpful. If you think that you could benefit from some personalized support in working toward your goals, I’d love to connect for a free 30-minute call. Regardless of whether we end up working together, you’ll walk away with greater clarity about what you want to be achieving in your life, and some action steps you can be taking right now!

With light and love, Sarah xo